MSNBC "The Beat with Ari Melber" - Transcript: "Democrats launch new probe of Trump aides."


Date: Sept. 6, 2019


MELBER: Some are calling it a right wing revolt. More Republicans now not only breaking with Trump, but trying to stop him from getting the Republican nomination. And now, the RNC pushing back in a very fearful way, outright counselling Republican primaries to make the field harder for those who would run against Trump. Now, one of those very challengers is former U.S. Congressman, Joe Walsh. Now, he was a controversial member of the Tea Party, a right wing radio talk show host, but he says he`s had it with Trump, and he`s now going to, quote, "Punch him every single day on the campaign trail." Joining me now for his first appearance on "THE BEAT" is presidential candidate, Joe Walsh. Thanks for joining me.

JOE WALSH, 2020 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Hey, Ari, it`s great to be with you.

MELBER: Let`s start here. A lot of folks have heard the Democratic and progressive critique of President Trump. What do you argue is the best conservative critique against him?

WALSH: He believes and he acts like he`s above the law. And if you give him, if we give him four more years, Ari, heaven help this country. Look, I`ve been very blunt. I think he`s unfit to be president. And I say that for two reasons. I believe, virtually, every time he opens his mouth, he tells a lie. And Ari, I don`t believe he`s capable, literally, of thinking about anyone but himself. And you can see it with this hurricane. I mean, your and my fellow Americans in the Carolinas are being pummeled by a major hurricane. And this president has spent the last week whining about and complaining about how he`s being treated by the media.

MELBER: Right.

WALSH: Vis-A -vis this hurricane.

MELBER: Right.

WALSH: He`s just not capable.

MELBER: Which is pretty wild. You say he lies all the time. "The Washington Post" counts it up. I`m sure you`ve seen these figures our viewers have.

WALSH: Yeah.

MELBER: It is an epidemic, 12,000 false or misleading statements. It is a feature of the way he governs, as you mentioned, it`s part of the way he`s responded to the hurricane. What do you say to your would be Republican voters? You want to win them over who say, "Well, that`s just his style."

WALSH: You know what? My campaign diary is making a bet. I think he`s unfit. And I think privately, most Republicans feel the same way. And they`re tired of his B.S. They`re tired of his lies and his drama. They just don`t say that publicly. Most of my former colleagues, Ari, up on Capitol Hill, they agree with every single word I`m saying about Trump. They want Trump to lose. They think he`ll lose.

MELBER: So why don`t they endorse you?

WALSH: Well, they`re scared to death of Trump. They`re scared of this tweets.

MELBER: Your colleagues are scared of Trump. You know, who`s not scared of you? I`m going to be blunt, since ou said you`d like to be blunt. A lot of the president`s allies in the media. Take a look.


GREG GUTFELD, THE FIVE CO-HOST: The worst Joe Walsh ever. This is a guy who is obnoxious, way more obnoxious early on, than any right wing Republican.

LAURA INGRAHAM, THE ANGLE HOST: He called Obama a Muslim. Used the N-word on Twitter, and may have owed his wife a mere $117,000 in child support. He probably would have a better shot with this Joe Walsh from the Eagles.

HERMAN CAIN, 2016 GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It`s for publicity, his own self publicity.


MELBER: Is Fox News wrong there?

WALSH: Yeah. Hey, look, Ari, I stopped paying attention to Donald Trump`s sycophants a long time ago. I pay attention to what Trump`s doing. And you mentioned it at the top. Look, this is not North Korea or Russia. Donald Trump is trying to eliminate elections. He wants to eliminate primary elections right now in four states, Arizona, Nevada, South Carolina and Kansas. That is undemocratic B.S. It`s wrong. And that`s the kind of thing that should piss off Republican voters. And, Ari, if Trump`s not -- Go ahead.

MELBER: Why do you think they are literally, as you said, canceling primary elections for a sitting incumbent president? Why are they doing that?

WALSH: Because I think, again, Ari, maybe it`s not me. I think they`re scared to death of this president having any other name on a primary ballot against him, because he`s imploding day by day.


WALSH: I think they`re afraid. Look, that`s not that`s not a sign of strength. You want to eliminate elections. You want to, like, take away the will of the people.


WALSH: You don`t do that if you`re a big, strong player.

MELBER: Let me play one more thing, which is some very controversial remarks you made around the anniversary of the MLK March in Washington. Take a look.


WALSH: I got a dream that young black males don`t become daddies until after they`re married and until after they have a job. How about that? I have a dream that blacks cease their dependency on government, which has enslaved them to a life of poverty.


MELBER: Bottom line, were you wrong?

WALSH: No. Hey, Ari, I am obsessed with the issue of race and it`s an issue I talk about a lot. I`ve got a podcast with the black radio host from Chicago. His name`s Maze Jackson. And we talk about -- it`s called "Uncomfortable Conversations". We talk about race and racism, because I want blacks and whites dialogue. And sometimes, Ari, I`m too provocative. I get that. And when I step in it, I`ll apologize. Contrast that with this guy in the White House who purposely stokes racism and bigotry to divide this country. I`ll run against that any day.

MELBER: Former Congressman, Joe Walsh, I appreciate you taking the questions. And we`ll keep an eye on this primary challenge, sir.

WALSH: Thank you, Ari.

